The Leak: An account of Brookhaven’s HFBR, its leak, and its closure
October 18, 2022, 12:01PMANS Nuclear Cafe

Then energy secretary Bill Richardson decided to permanently shut down the HFBR in November 1999. (Photo: DOE)
“Why did a tiny leak bring down a hugely successful research reactor 25 years ago?”
That’s how Robert P. Crease, an academic who writes a regular column for Physics World, introduces The Leak: Politics, Activists, and Loss of Trust at Brookhaven National Laboratory, a book he wrote with former interim BNL director Peter D. Bond that was published this month by MIT Press.
“Were this story fiction, its characters, plot twists and ironies would be entertaining,” Crease writes in his October 5 Physics World post about the book. “But because it’s fact, it’s a tragicomedy.”